Unlocking the Power of Property Videography: Elevate Your Real Estate Marketing Strategy

Unlocking the Power of Property Videography: Elevate Your Real Estate Marketing Strategy

In the fast-paced digital world of real estate, the key to standing out lies in innovative marketing strategies. As technology continues to evolve, property videography has emerged as a game-changer, offering unparalleled benefits for agents, sellers, and buyers alike. In this post, we'll delve into the transformative advantages of incorporating property videography into your marketing arsenal, supported by compelling statistics highlighting the effectiveness of video marketing in the property sector.

1. Captivating Visual Experience:

Property videography enables you to showcase your listings in a dynamic and immersive manner. Instead of static images, potential buyers can visualize themselves walking through the property, gaining a deeper sense of its layout, ambiance, and unique features. According to research, properties listed with video receive 403% more inquiries than those without.

2. Enhanced Engagement:

Video content has become increasingly popular across all digital platforms, and real estate is no exception. Studies reveal that viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to 10% when reading it in text. By leveraging property videography, you can capture the attention of your target audience and keep them engaged for longer periods, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

3. Increased Reach and Exposure:

In today's competitive market, reaching the right audience is essential for success. Video content has a higher likelihood of being shared and virally distributed across social media platforms, expanding your property's reach far beyond traditional marketing channels. Properties listed with video receive 403% more inquiries than those without, highlighting the significant impact of video content on lead generation.

4. Establishing Credibility and Trust:

In an industry built on trust, establishing credibility is paramount. Property videography allows you to showcase your professionalism and expertise, instilling confidence in potential buyers. According to recent surveys, 73% of homeowners are more likely to list with a real estate agent who offers to create a video for their property.

5. Competitive Edge:

Innovative marketing strategies can provide a competitive edge in a crowded marketplace. By embracing property videography, you differentiate yourself from competitors who rely solely on traditional marketing methods. Research indicates that including video on a landing page can increase conversion rates by 80%, demonstrating the significant impact of video content on buyer decision-making.

In conclusion, property videography offers a multitude of benefits for real estate professionals seeking to elevate their marketing efforts. From captivating visual experiences to increased engagement and exposure, the statistics speak for themselves. By harnessing the power of video content, you can effectively showcase your listings, establish credibility, and gain a competitive edge in the market. Embrace property videography today and unlock the full potential of your real estate marketing strategy.

Jam Shakeshaft Video offers a range of property videography options to suit any property and any budget. including, but not limited to, highlight reels, corporate buildings, full property tours, drone-style fly-around, estate agent introduction tours, and case studies.

why not watch some examples of our work below?

10 Corporate Interview Video Techniques

10 Corporate Interview Techniques That Will Boost Your Content

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Nowadays, corporate videos are not about pushing a product in your viewer’s face and hoping they’ll buy all the hype; they’re about forging an authentic connection with your viewer, providing real value, and engaging them with well-told stories.

he key to establishing a relationship of trust with your viewer is to set the right tone with your video. This starts by interviewing the right subjects, asking the right questions, and knowing how to make them look good on camera.


To aid you on your mission to creating a corporate video that accomplishes all of these things, we’ve compiled a list of expert tips and techniques for conducting interviews that will make your subject shine.

10 On-Camera Interview Tips and Techniques

Preparation Before the Shoot:

1. Find the right interviewees


One thing is for sure: If you get bored listening to your interviewees, chances are that your audience will too. This is why one of the keys to creating an engaging video is to find subjects who can express themselves freely on camera.

Ask yourself, “who do I want my viewers to relate to?” If it’s a recruiting video, you could feature other employees instead of the CEO of the company; this would allow viewers (potential hires) to more easily relate to the subject of your video. Or, if it’s a video directed toward potential clients, you could feature other satisfied clients.

2. Research topic

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Next, you should research the topic by either searching online or, if there isn’t sufficient information available there, conducting a pre-interview with the subject to get a better feel for the type of questions you need to ask.

3. Prepare questions

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For obvious reasons, avoid questions that require a simple “yes” or “no” response. Stick to open-ended questions and give your subjects the time needed to develop their responses without letting them go off on tangents.

Arrange your questions so that they tell a story, and cover the 6 Ws: Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How. This way, you have the ingredients to create a complete narrative, with a setting, characters, plot, and resolution.

4. Rephrase questions as declarative statement

Instead of asking an obvious question, which may make them feel like they’re being interrogated, disguise it as an invitation to a conversation.

For example, “What differentiates your service from others like it?” can be replaced with “Tell me about a time you and your team went above and beyond the call of duty.”

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Remember to avoid spreading yourself too thin with your questions. Focus on a specific topic or point, and stay on target.

Also, ask relevant questions that viewers might want answers to. For example, a customer testimonial should address concerns or objections potential clients might have.

But whatever you do, don’t give your subjects a list of the questions they will be asked before the interview. Although this may allay their fears, it can also lead them to memorize their responses, which makes for a stale interview lacking in spontaneity. Instead, give them a general idea of the points you will cover.

5. Decide on the kind of interview

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There are two kinds of interviews you can conduct: a standard Q and A session or a monologue-style interview.

Of the two, the second will ensure a more natural and free-flowing interview which will allow you to edit out mistakes by leading into b-roll footage and voice overs.

Also, depending on the kind of interview you choose, the subject will either look directly into the camera or off to the side of it.

Although the first is sometimes used with media-savvy interviewees who are not afraid of looking right into the lens, the second is the most common format as it allows subjects to look at the interviewer’s face while speaking.

6. Prepare the subject

Once you have a list of the questions you want to ask your subjects, the next step is to prepare them for the interview.

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To ensure that your subjects feel as comfortable as possible, address concerns they may have, such as appearing unattractive on camera or not phrasing something properly. Let them know you can edit out any mistakes and make them look as good as possible on camera.

Rehearse good interview techniques with them beforehand, such as not giving obvious answers to questions but rephrasing their answers into declarative statements that flow in a natural way.

For example, if you ask your subject, “What do you like most about your job?” they shouldn’t answer with “the work environment” or one-word responses that would confuse viewers who haven’t heard the question.

Also, for editing purposes, instruct the interviewee to repeat the question in their answer. For example, to the question mentioned above, they should respond, “What I like most about my job is that…”

7. Make the subject feel comfortable

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The best way to achieve natural and spontaneous responses is to start the interview with throwaway questions that can later be edited out. This will allow the subject to loosen up and feel more comfortable once you get to the more substantive questions.

One important thing many first-time interviewers overlook is to keep quiet while the subject is answering questions; you don’t want the “hmms” and “oh right” to be heard over your interviewee’s voice. Instead, engage them silently by smiling, nodding, and making eye contact.

Since you’ll likely be taking on the dual role of interviewer/director, make sure to appear interested and encouraging, even while you’re attentive to the technical aspects of the production.

8. Direct the way questions are answered

To ensure you have all the necessary material to weave your story, run up your main questions with pertinent follow-up questions.

While you want to avoid interrupting your subject in the middle of an answer, don’t be hesitant to take control of the interview if your subject starts to go off on a tangent.

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Also, don’t be afraid to broach difficult subjects and press your interviewee if you need more information or want him/her to repeat their answer but from a different angle.

The mark of a good interviewer is the ability to ask sometimes difficult questions to get the information you need and achieve the tone or feel you’re going for.

Besides rambling answers, also avoid flailing hands and the excessive use of repetitive hand gestures.

9. Get up close and personal

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One way to distract your interviewee from all the video equipment and lights is to position yourself as closely to the subject as possible; this way, their attention is on you and your questions, not the surroundings.

By approaching them with a genuine heart and creating an open and authentic atmosphere, you’ll prompt them to do the same. Remember, your energy will rub off on the interviewee, so you want to go into the interview with a good amount of enthusiasm and genuine interest.

An effective technique for creating an engaging video is to trigger emotions, not just facts. You can do this by asking the interviewee how they “feel” about a topic or what they “believe in their heart” about a certain issue.

10. Be spontaneous and creative

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Lastly, don’t be afraid to veer off from your planned script. Pose spontaneous questions when necessary and ask the interviewee for a final comment on anything he/she thinks you might have missed. This can bring to light some key information you might have overlooked.

And a tip for those interviewing subjects who have trouble loosening up on camera: When the interview is over, don’t stop filming; keep the camera rolling. This can sometimes lead to some of the best quotes and moments captured on camera.

is your business looking for some corporate interview content? Contact Jam Shakeshaft Video today for a competitive quote for projects of all size.

Below is some examples of our work:

How To Market Your Holiday Home Using Video

Struggling to find the answer on how to market your holiday home? Want to know the best way to advertise a holiday let?

Jam Shakeshaft Video has had so many clients in this position before. Just not knowing the best way to advertise a holiday home or cottage and frankly, how to market their holiday homes.

 The answer is quite simple… use video.

Firstly, why use video?

Video marketing is found in almost every business marketing communications (70% of marketers plan to use video marketing this year) and there is a good reason. Simply just having a video on a landing page can increase your booking rates by 80%.

What does this mean for clever holiday homeowners like yourself?


We know the pain of having to be part of all these comparison sites. The endless list of sites you have registered on from airbnb.com to booking.com still just doesn’t seem to get you fully booked. Imagine if you could stand out on all your other channels… well keep reading.

1. Get a promotional video

Whether it be us or another video production company you must get a promotional video. With so many channels not just supporting video but having such promising outcomes, there isn’t a better time.

One thing we recommend to all holiday homeowners is that you think of a promotional video as an investment. You’ve heard the term a picture speaks a thousand words… Well, a video speaks a million then gets you bookings. It creates an inclusive experience and really shows your holiday home in the best light. Something pictures don’t do.

Prediction: comparison sites such as booking.com and airbnb.com don’t support video yet however we predict that they’ll be supporting video by the end of 2019. As of now, some booking sites support this. At this moment in time, we recommend leaving a link in the description. 

Here are some promotional videos for holiday homes that Jam Shakeshaft Video has created:

2. Get more video content


Even if this is stuff you do yourself. You’ll be surprised what footage you can get from something you have in your pocket. Yes, it may be a bit raw and rough around the edges but we’re in a world of social where footage is expected to be rough. As long as you cover some simple steps to really up your production value.

To really up your production value send it to your video footage to a video production company that has an editing service. It means they’ll clean up your footage so it looks professional. Whether it be by adding an intro or outro or a call to action at the end. We always recommend a call to action at the end like ‘book now’. Or ask for the footage they took when filming for the promotional video. Chances are there is some unused footage that would be beneficial.

3. Share your promotional video content


Firstly, share your promotional video. However, you want this to be at the centre of each channel. You want to make your promotional video your cover photo on your Facebook business page. You want it to be the feature video on your youtube channel and not just another video. Put it in your e-mail signature and make sure you can find it on your Google My Business account. This would also be the video you use for any ads you would do across your platforms.

4. Share your other video content


Your shorter content should be shared across your channels as posts. This just means they see your holiday home in a different light (and not just seeing the promotional video being posted time and time again). These small videos are touchpoints for your potential bookings and this strategy could be what makes you them extra bookings or even full book.

 After, you’ve got a marketing promotional video that makes your holiday home the most desirable, with additional video content that whets the viewer’s appetite and leaves them wanting more. Before you know it, you’ve got a 2020/2021 video marketing strategy that’s guaranteed to get you bookings for your holiday home. This is the best way to advertise your holiday let.


If you’re reading this and want to work with a video production company that’s experienced in your market, that cares about your project and knows how to maximize your bookings with video, we’re more than happy to take a call.

10 Awesome Video Types to Help You Promote Your Business

As marketers, one of the most common roadblocks we face is trying to drive the most engagement for our content! In fact, studies have shown it’s the most common challenge faced by B2B as well as B2C marketers.

In order to entice your audience to interact with your content, you need to consistently tell brand stories that inspire and delight. It’s a tall order, meaning that you have to persistently keep creating content that:

  1. Educates your audience and answers their questions

  2. Entertains and keeps them hooked

  3. Is relatable and shareable

Easier said than done, right? Grabbing people’s attention is a huge task, which is why many marketers can’t get by without video marketing!

Video marketing presents your brand with a fantastic opportunity to stand out from the crowd. They’re a visual feast for your audience. A video communicates a lot more information in far less time. In fact, a study from Responsive Inbound Marketing found that social video generates 1200% more shares than text and images combined! Moreover, video is a medium that can help you to tell some irresistible brand stories. It helps you to make use of thought-provoking visuals, graphics, sound and narration to get your audience hooked.

Over 500 million (that’s half a BILLION) people are watching video on Facebook every day. - Forbes

Don’t be left in the dust!

Create video content that provides an awesome experience for your target audience but remember that developing such content requires tons of strategic and creative planning. You have to also ensure that videos are created and targeted according to the stage of the customer lifecycle.

Each video type works best for a particular stage of the customer journey. When you segment your audience on the basis of their lifecycle stage, you will be able to target them with the right marketing messages.

Types of videos to use in marketing:

Educational videos

Providing education to address a problem/pain point for your target audience is a great way to get noticed. Start with a little keyword research to find high search volume keywords in your niche. There are a variety of content formats to help you create educational videos including live-action videos, whiteboard videos, and webinars.

The key to these videos is that they’re short yet very informative. Whether you are in the business of selling business tools or consumer products related to health and beauty, educational videos are a great way to start building a long-lasting relationship with your audience.

Businesses that are cause-related can use educational videos to explain their cause in an interesting way. Take a look at this thought-provoking example from Malezi Bora.

This video beautifully explains and educates people about social problems and influence them to take a step forward. If you are selling a product/service that solves persistent social problems, then such videos can do wonders for your business. These videos work well for non-profit organizations as well.

Educational video content is critical for spreading awareness about your products and services. You should regularly produce quality educational videos. The strategy will fetch you more attention for your brand and a growing subscriber base for your content. They are equally helpful in capturing and nurturing leads.

Entertainment videos

Online audiences love short, snackable content. With this format, you can create entertaining videos that make your audience laugh or get inspired. An understanding of your target audience will help you to create videos that they’ll enjoy watching - videos that will imprint your brand and keep them coming back for more. Starbucks created a charming animated video series called 1st and Main. The video series entertains the audience and showcases Starbucks as a ‘the third place’ between home and work.

Videos like the one below work because they make your brand non-intrusive, and they let you have fun with your target audience. Whether you are a retail or an FMCG brand, this kind of content is a sure-fire way to strengthen brand rapport. Social media fans love videos like this, so if you’re considering video, this is a good start for your content marketing calendar. Entertainment videos are great for the attention stage of the buyer’s journey. Did the Starbucks video keep your attention? Case and point!

Explainer and demo videos

An essential part of marketing your products and services is to explain their unique value proposition.

91% of consumers have watched an explainer video to learn about a product or service. - Strategic

An explainer video is an animated video that illustrates the core features of your products and services in simple terms. It uses animated characters, text, graphics, and a narrative to tell your product story. Just note: You must use a professional voiceover and music while creating an explainer video.

Explainer videos are extremely beneficial for startup companies and businesses selling complex technology products.

Such videos are helpful in the capture stage of the buyer’s journey. You can put up your explainer video on your landing page along with a relevant Call-to-Action, to collect some qualified leads for your business

Event videos

Promoting your events on social media is a great way to strengthen your relationship with your fans and followers.

Video of a live event increases brand favorability by 63%. - Twitter

You can get professional videographers to record corporate event videos and then post them up on your social pages. Live streaming on social media is a trend that’s proven to work and requires minimal resources. You can live stream short snippets of your business events as stories on Instagram or as live videos on Facebook and Twitter.

Event promotion videos are very helpful in nurturing your existing leads and building deeper relationships with them. They do this by creating hype around your brand and its newly launched products, and spreading the word! If you are a big brand with a large, geographically dispersed audience, then videos like these are a must!

Testimonial videos

Every time new prospects visit your website or social pages, they are looking to validate the merit of your products and services.  Once they are convinced about the features and pricing, they are keen to get an unbiased opinion about your offerings.

You can get your happy clients to be a part of a testimonial video that includes:

  1. Details about the problems that they were facing prior to using your products.

  2. Key product features that helped solve their problems.

Testimonial videos can work wonders to trigger the buying decision among your potential customers.

Customer testimonials are one of top three most effective type of video content. - Marketinghy

Corporate videos

Corporate videos serve to showcase your company and its vision to your audience. It is the ‘About Us’ page of your website converted into a live-action video!

A corporate video includes details like:

  1. Strengths of a company and its team

  2. Details about the business infrastructure and quality standards

  3. Awards and achievements

Corporate videos build trust among your audience and focus more on the corporate brand, its values, and its objectives. These videos can be very influential in converting prospects who are considering a variety of options.

Here is a very cool example of how you can use your corporate video to advertise space, office, or building to rent. Using motion graphics within your corporate videos are a cost-effective way to create impactful business videos (which can be a huge plus).


When you are selling a complex product, you must demonstrate its usage to your audience.

Tutorials help you to teach your clients about using the product easily and effectively, and  4 out of 5 consumers believe that demo videos are helpful.

53% of the businesses said their customer support calls reduced after producing video content. - Optinmonster 

Tutorial videos are usually created as screen-sharing videos or slideshow videos. You can also create a powerful, live-action tutorial video like this one from popular productivity tool Evernote.

Work culture videos

Hiring a talented team is critical to the success of every company. It’s great to let people know how much your company values the right people. Attracting the right people is an uphill task. It’s hard to find people who have the skills as well as match your work culture. A company culture video helps you to showcase your workspaces and the overall work environment.

Job posts get 36% more applications if accompanied by a recruiting video. - Jobcast

It gives potential recruits a sneak peek into the everyday work life and the growth opportunities.

These videos are helpful when your business is growing and you need to expand your team size.

Loyalty program videos

Reward programs are great to get your customers to stick around and purchase from you repeatedly. You can promote your reward program with the help of a video that showcases its benefits and explains how it works. Loyalty program videos work well in all types of video formats including animated, live-action, and motion graphics.

Such videos are very effective in the growth phase of the buyer’s journey.

Take a look at this intriguing video from HYOTS.

‘Thank you’ videos

Thanking your customers is a great way to make them feel special.  These type of videos also work equally well in helping you to retain your existing clients and get more business from them. You can use any video format to thank your customers, but creating a very personal video would surely add more value.

Here is an example of a striking ‘Thank you’ video from Talbots, a US-based women’s fashion brand.

In this video, the whole executive team of Talbots comes together to thank their customers. The video gives the audience a sense of being a part of the Talbots community - of women who love to dress well. Videos like these help in bringing out your brand values and making your audience feel connected to those values. All types of B2B and B2C brands can make use of ‘Thank You’ videos for higher customer retention. Make sure you have a large customer base and you’ll definitely benefit from such videos.

If you are considering video to help promote your business, then why not contact Jam Shakeshaft Video today for a creative approach and competitive quote.

Property Videos in Liverpool, Wirral, North Wales, and Chester

Property Video.

High impact property videos are a great way to highlight the lifestyle and sell the dream. Focusing on the very best features, we’ll capture the details to reveal the full potential of a property or development within a dynamic and distinctive showcase.

Show your property in the best possible way.
Our high definition videos are produced in-house and come fully branded with soundtracks added as standard. Need a voice-over? We can organize that for you too. With an efficient 48-hour turnaround, your professional property video will set you apart from the crowd.

Best coffee in town?
A property video doesn’t only have to be of a property, you can use it to sell the surrounding area too. Showcase great travel links, green open spaces, bustling high streets with a great selection of cafes, bars, and restaurants. Sell the lifestyle on offer within your area and encourage people to view your property.

What Does It Cost For A Professional Property Video?

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Prices for Property Video Production for Estate Agents, Holiday Lets, or Just a Showcase video.

Jam Shakeshaft Video is a national property video specialist, having worked with such companies as Sykes Holiday Cottages, Fine & Country, and The Regenda Group. You can be sure your property video is filmed, edited, and produced to an industry-leading standard.

Jam Shakeshaft Video offers a choice of 3 types of property videos. The 3 choices below will usually cover most estate agents' or holiday letting agencies needs! However, we are, of course, able to work beyond these defined parameters where required and offer tailor-made services to please all clients.

As a company, we also have a property video and photography package deal on offer, which combines professional video with professionally produced and processed property photography.

1. Basic Property Walkthrough Video

HD stabilised property video tour comprising of up to 120 seconds of video, professionally edited and colour graded with licensed music. Giving a complete and fast exploration of a property.

Time on Site: up to 90 minutes | Delivery Time: Uploaded in 48 Hours 

Cost: from £220

2. Creative Property Walkthrough Video

4K HD stabilized property video tour comprising of up to 120 seconds of video, synchronized to licensed music, professionally and creatively edited, colour graded and exported in multiple file formats and sizes. giving a more complimentary end result.

Time on Site: up to 120 minutes | Delivery Time: Uploaded in 24 Hours  

Cost: From £300

3. Property Showcase Video

4k HD stabilized property video tour comprising of up to 180 seconds of creatively produced video, licenced music, drone video footage, creatively edited, colour graded and synchronized to music with additional overlay text animation, logo animation, and Instagram and Facebook 15 second-story edit.

Time on Site: up to 3 Hours | Delivery Time: Uploaded in 48 Hours 

Cost: From £380

4. Property Video & Photography Offer

Property tour video as per 1 above and professional photography (2 photographs per main room, externals including street and garden, hallways, etc.) providing up to 20 professionally produced and processed property shots.

Time on Site: up to 3 Hours | Delivery Time: Uploaded in 48 Hours 

Total Cost: £420